Upcoming Events...
  • June 25: Grade 7 and 8 report cards go home.
  • June 26: Last day of school
  • September 5: First day of school for grade 7’s only. The day begins at 8:45 and ends at 2:50. We run a Monday to Friday schedule with five one-hour periods.
  • Basic school supplies will be provided. We would encourage students to have a calculator, water bottle, kitbag, and indoor sneakers.
  • Busing Info: https://psbbusing.princeedwardisland.ca/
  • Administration will return to school the last week of August, if you have any questions.
  • Click link below for a short video introducing students to Birchwood
  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gW2fWLqGlLWVe3tPa5T3Xni2lV_5YyKa/view?usp=sharing